
Central Heating Filter System

How It Works

Modern central heating systems with high efficiency boilers are clean, efficient and economical, but ONLY if operating at peak performance.  The natural process of black iron oxide build–up soon impairs performance and eventually clogs the boiler and radiators.

The majority of systems suffer from black iron oxide contamination.  This creates thick sludge deposits that are the result of corrosion taking place within radiators and other metallic components.  The oxide particles range from very large to sub-micron with the latter leeching into the system water continuously during use.

Installing MagnaClean Professional to a new or existing central heating system is simple.  It comes with purpose designed triple sealed valves, which allow 360° rotation.  Also included is a spanner for lid removal and a custom made spanner for easy valve operation.  Servicing is a two minute job.  Simply remove and wash the filter’s sheath at the annual boiler service.
Black iron oxide sludge deposited in container... The MagnaClean  filter is placed into container... Within seconds the water starts to clear as MagnaClean sets to work... After just ten seconds virtually all sludge has been trapped and the water is clear... MagnaClean is removed for easy cleaning and removal of sludge.




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